Precision Medicine Forum Podcast

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases. On this podcast we chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.

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Thursday Dec 08, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases. On these podcasts Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
This is a bonus episode, dedicated to the 10 year anniversary of Genomics England's 100,000 Genomes Project, featuring Professor Dame Sue Hill.
Sue is the Senior Responsible Officer for Genomics in NHS England, leading developments in this area, having previously established the NHS Genomic Medicine Centres and led the NHS contribution to the 100,000 Genomes Project. She is a respiratory scientist by background with an international academic and clinical research reputation.
See more about Sue here:
Thank you to Devyser for their support with this special episode:
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases. On these podcasts Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
This is a bonus episode, dedicated to the 10 year anniversary of Genomics England's 100,000 Genomes Project, featuring Jillian Hastings Ward, the Chair of the Participant Panel.
Her family joined the Project in 2015, in search of answers for her young son who is severely disabled.
Find out more about the panel here:
Thank you to Devyser for their support with this special episode:
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases. On these podcasts Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
This is a bonus episode, dedicated to the 10 year anniversary of Genomics England's 100,000 Genomes Project, featuring Dan and Turid from Devyser.  They talk about the importance of collaborative work, 'homebrew assays', and a future with preventative heatlhcare. 
Thank you to Devyser for their support with this special episode:
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Monday Dec 05, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases. On these podcasts Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
This is a bonus episode, dedicated to the 10 year anniversary of Genomics England's 100,000 Genomes Project.  It's a set of 4 shows released during this week as a celebration. It features a chat betweem Scott Buckler and Chris Wigley, the CEO of Genomics England.  
Find out more about the project and it's impact here:
Thank you to Devyser for their support with this special episode:
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases. On these podcasts Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Joanna Holbrook who's the Chief Scientific Officer at Cambridge Epigenetix.
Visit Cambridge Epigenetix:
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases. On these podcasts Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Dr Laura Esserman, who's the Principal Investigator at The WISDOM Study.
The WISDOM Study brings together 100,000 diverse women from across the US to find the safest and most effective way to detect breast cancer for every woman.
The WISDOM Study official site:
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Tuesday Sep 27, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases.  On this podcast Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Scott's chatting with Olivier Elemento about the funding he and his teams have recently received to research and create an artificial intelligence system which will be able to help doctors diagnose and treat diseases, including cancer and depression, based on the sound of a patient's voice. 
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Tuesday Sep 13, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases.  On this podcast Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
On today's episode, Steve welcomes our first guest presenter: Torie Robinson is host of the brilliant Epilepsy Sparks Insights Podcast and she's chatting with David Rose.  
Dave has Occipital Horn Syndrome, an ultra-rare disease effecting his heart, kidney, bladder, bowel and entire muscular-skeletal system.  He's the only person in the UK diagnosed with the disease.  During this chat, you'll hear more about the symptoms, and the how precision medicine has touched his life.
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Tuesday Sep 06, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases.  On this podcast Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
Genotyping and artificial intelligence are together starting to predict the progression of glaucoma in individual patients, sparing them from suboptimal treatments and side effects. Recent research efforts are exploring modifiable risk factors such as caffeine consumption.  During this episode, Dr Anthony Khawaja chats with Scott Buckler about the need for precision management in glaucoma.  
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

The buzz around the potential of Precision Medicine continues as new technologies, more powerful computing and our ability to store, share and interpret Big Data increases.  On this podcast Steve Coldicott and Scott Buckler chat about all aspects of the industry with patients, healthcare industry and research professionals about creating personalised medicines for each and every one of us.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Genome Canada's Chief Scientific Officer, Catalina Lopez-Correa.  
During the chat, they speak of how quickly precision medicine has changed over the past few years.  No longer is data collection the big challenge, but the sharing of this data within countries, and around the world, but also the issue of equality and diversity within who's data is being collected.  Towards the end of the chat, Steve comes up with a truly AWESOME solution, and Catalina takes part in our world famous feature, "Forward in 5 minutes".
For more content, and to see many episodes of this podcast in video form, please visit our website:

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